  • 庆阳剑桥少儿英语快速记忆法,英语
  • 庆阳剑桥少儿英语快速记忆法,英语
  • 庆阳剑桥少儿英语快速记忆法,英语
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The government has already permitted the company to use special materials to make it easier for the vehicle to fly. The Transition is now going through crash tests to make sure it meets federal safety standards.Mann said Terrafugia was helped by the Federal Aviation Administration’s decision five years ago to create a separate set of standards for light sport aircraft, which are lower than those for pilots of larger planes Terrafugia says an owner would need to pass a test and complete 20 hours of flying time to be able to fly the Transition, a requirement pilots would find relatively easy to meet.作文基础:连词成句、连句成段、以段成章.庆阳剑桥少儿英语快速记忆法

To construct a working still, use a sharp stick or rock to dig a hole four feet across and three feet deep. Try to make the hole in a damp area to increase the water catcher’s productivity. Place your cup in the deepest part of the hole. Then lay the tube in place so that one end rests all the way in the cup and the rest of the line runs up — and out — the side of the hole.

  Next, cover the hole with the plastic sheet, securing the edges of the plastic with dirt and weighting the sheet’s center down with a rock. The plastic should now form a cone(圆锥体) with 45-degree-angled sides. The low point of the sheet must be centered directly over, and no more than three inches above, the cup.

he solar still works by creating a greenhouse under the plastic. Ground water evaporates (蒸发) and collects on the sheet until small drops of water form, run down the material and fall off into the cup. When the container is full, you can suck the refreshment out through the tube, and won’t have to break down the still every time you need a drink. 武威新概念英语快速记忆法英语(Engl)作为世界通用语言,是**的工作语言之一,也是事实上的国际交流语言。

I work with Volunteers for Wildlife, a rescue and education organization at Bailey Arboretum in Locust Valley. Trying to help injured, displaced or sick creatures can be heartbreaking; survival is never certain. However, when it works, it is simply beautiful.

I got a rescue call from a woman in Muttontown. She had found a young owl (猫头鹰) on the ground. When I arrived, I saw a 2-to 3-week-old owl. It had already been placed in a carrier for safety.

I examined the chick (雏鸟) and it seemed fine. If I could locate the nest, I might have been able to put it back, but no luck. My next work was to construct a nest and anchor it in a tree.


  这种题目亿般是有几个句子中间有空让你用原文中的单词去填。其实这种题目更多的考察你的意译能力,即题干中的句子跟原文中的句子是两个同义句,表达的其实是同一个意思,考察你的同义词掌握能力。一般题目开头会有这么一句话 ”ChooseNO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the textfor eachanswer”注意,NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS就是不能超过2个单词,只能填1个或2个;此外,from the text 意味着你只能填原文中的词汇,而不是自己去编一个。 让学生口述自己所想的框架以及为什么这样去描述的原因;帮助学生口头完成一篇小作文。

I first met Paul Newman in 1968, when George Roy Hill, the director of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, introduced us in New York City. When the studio didn’t want me for the film - it wanted somebody as well known as Paul - he stood up for me. I don’t know how many people would have done that; they would have listened to their agents or the studio powers.

The friendship that grew out of the experience of making that film and The Sting four years later had its root in the fact that although there was an age difference, we both came from a tradition of theater and live TV. We were respectful of craft (技艺) and focused on digging into the characters we were going to play. Both of us had the qualities and virtues that are typical of American actors:  humorous, aggressive, and making fun of each other - but always with an underlying affection. Those were also at the core (**) of our relationship off the screen. The illustration demonstrates how plantsduce energy from sunlight.武威新概念英语快速记忆法


87,A car crash.

88.Have you … yet?


2,try to do sth…

3, 不规则动词过去式和过去分词的拼写和认读。(过去式和过去分词形式一样)

1, already和yet的用法。

2, 句型Have you …yet?

3, 单词及课文要求背诵。

89,For sale

90,Have you …yet?1,I believe that后接宾语从句。

2,How long和How much等复合疑问词的理解和运用。

1, 现在完成时的第二种用法:表示开始于过去并持续到现在的动作。

2, 掌握May I…?句型。

3, Have you …yet? 句型的进一步巩固。

4, 单词及课文要求背诵。

91,Poor Ian

92,When will…?1,一般将来时的认知和理解。

1, 掌握一些常用表将来的时间词。

2, 单词及课文要求背诵。



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