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1. Grammar for IELTS writing task 1 process diagram.

This type of process needs the present simple passive and active to describe what happens in each step, also we will need sequencers such as Firstly, subsequently, next, following this, after that, then, finally

object + to be + past participle: This is used to describe a process where the person is not important, also the passive is used for the stages of production.

The cows are milked by a milking machine twice a day. The milk is put into refrigeration storage.


One problem many people have is that they just put the linking words at the start of the sentence. This can sound repetitive, and it is important not to OVERUSE linking words.

· Don’t choose a different linking word for the start of every sentence. Use some in the middle

e.g. the process by which leather is treated, the liquid in which the skins are soaked, the place where the skins are flattened.

Compare these two versions:

Version 1: simple, accurate but a little ‘mechanical’

The skin is dried. Then it is taken to a factory. In the factory it is washed in water and lime, then soaked in lime and flattened and submerged in tannin. After that it is polished and taken to another factory. In the factory it is turned into leather goods.


Paragraph 4

Sentence 1- Details of stage 2

Sentence 2- Details of stage 2

Sentence 3- Details of stage 2

Grammar- The Passive

When describing any of the chart questions you shouldn’t use the passive, but when describing a process you may have to.

However, the passive is only used to describe man-made processes. If you are given a natural process you should use the active, rather than the passive.

Therefore, in this answer, I will use the active to describe the life cycle and use the passive to describe the manufacture of silk.

The milk is delivered by tanker to the dairy.

Cream, cheese and butter are produced from the milk.Present Simple Active.

object+verb: The active is used to describe natural processes. Cows graze in the fields.

Cows eat grass everyday.

The sun shines.

Flowers grow.Sequencers. First of all / to begin with / at this point / then / after that / following this / after which / the next step is .. / subsequently / finally/ the last step is…These are needed in this kind of task to help make your writing more interesting and it flows much better. 考生必须至少提前于开考时间30分钟到场。

    第七种题型:标题配对题标题配对题又称heading题,需要你把题干中列出个段落标题与原文段落配对,主要就是考察你对文章每一段段落大意的掌握情况。heading一般都是对某一段信息的简单总结,你必须找出那个**恰当的一个,一般来说headings多于段落。常见问题下面是兰州爱美信英语学校的学生经常做heading题遇到的问题,你看看你中招了吗?我先给大家把问题列出来,随后一个个给你讲怎么破。1.总是感觉要阅读的信息量太大但时间太少2.想找题干里和原文里的原词,但发现找不到3.有一些列出的heading感觉是同一个意思(心想,咦,不太可能吧?)4.阅读原文的时候每段只读前面一句话,觉得这句话就是中心句了。5.在某一段或某一个heading上花太多时间。 ETS有关负责人建议考生提早报名,以确保考位。白银留学托福报名





  我的学生们总是花很多时间在读图上面,希望搞清楚图里的每一个细节。而往往阅读里出现的图都是比较复杂的,这会让他们感觉很焦虑-花了很多时间却看不懂。雅思阅读考试并不是考察你的知识,它考察的是你的阅读能力,所以与其花时间看图,不如大概看看了解图是个什么玩意儿就行了,把主要精力放在阅读原文上。另外一个问题就是花太多时间在阅读整篇文章而不是定位原文信息与阅读相关段落(就是描述图的那几段) 庆阳留学托福阅读


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