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How do I describe a cycle?

A cycle is different from a process, because there is no beginning and no end. The cycle repeats itself. So sometimes it’s difficult to know where to start! But because it’s a cycle, it doesn’t really matter where you start as long as you give an overview of the whole cycle (‘Overall…’) and enough detail about the main stages.

Things to remember when you describe a cycle

Using the Present Tense

Because the cycle happens all the time the only tense you usually need is thePresent Simple e.g. the sun rises in the East and sets in the West. Of course you’ll remember to use the 3rd person ‘s’ as in this example. 考试计时由计算机系统控制并显示在显示屏上。庆阳新托福暑期班

Using additional information

Your diagram will often provide you some additional information and hints for most stages of the process. Make sure that you use all that information while describing specific features of your diagram!

However, sometimes you may see that some stage lacks information for description. For example, we only know that the third stage of our process is called refinement and it happens in a smelting cabin. But we don't know what exactly happens during this stage.

In this case, you can use a verb to undergo. To undergo = to experience. For example, you can write: "the material undergoes refinement in a smelting cabin". 兰州大学托福阅读托福复习主要资料为托福机经又称民间托福答案题库。


The finishing touches

In 4 steps, you have completed all that needs to be done for a very good Task 1.

But what if you want to make it even better? Have a look at this final example – what kind of changes have been made to give it a little extra magic?

The diagram illustrates how animal skins are processed in order to produce a range of leather items such as shoes, handbags and toys.

In the initial stages of the process, the skin is air-dried before being loaded onto trucks and taken to

a nearby factory where it undergoes two chemical treatments to clean and soften it. Firstly it is washed with a mixture of water and lime, and then it is soaked in concentrated/pure lime and pushed through a rolling machine in order to flatten it, after which it is submerged in a vat of tannin, which is a substance derived from vegetables. 考生可充分展示使用英语进行交流的能力。




  我的学生们总是花很多时间在读图上面,希望搞清楚图里的每一个细节。而往往阅读里出现的图都是比较复杂的,这会让他们感觉很焦虑-花了很多时间却看不懂。雅思阅读考试并不是考察你的知识,它考察的是你的阅读能力,所以与其花时间看图,不如大概看看了解图是个什么玩意儿就行了,把主要精力放在阅读原文上。另外一个问题就是花太多时间在阅读整篇文章而不是定位原文信息与阅读相关段落(就是描述图的那几段) “托福机经”这个名词的由来和雅思机经相差无几。兰州小站托福培训


2. Overview

After the introduction, you should give a general overview to summarize what’s going on in the diagram. Unlike line graphs, pie charts and bar charts, diagrams have no general trends or key changes to identify. So, in the overview paragraph you need to write:

1. how the process begins and ends

2. the number of stages

If the diagram has loops or repeating stages, or your process is cyclic - write that in your overview too! Here is a good way to write a general overview:

Overall, the process consists of eleven stages, beginning with the raw material and ending up with the product’s inspection.

Always use word overall to start your overview. This way you will indicate the examiner that you’re describing general trends.



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