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e.g. The diagram illustrates how animal skins are processed in order to produce a range of leather items such as shoes, handbags and toys.

Using the Passive Tense gives you an instantly sophisticated, complex and academic option. Here’s another example:

e.g. The illustration depicts the numerous steps involved in the treatment of animal skins before they are turned into leather products such as handbags and shoes.

Watch out!

· Remember that you should NOT use any opinion or any external/background facts. 学生要了解想申请留学签证的地区对英语能力的要求。兰州留学托福听力


  这种题型就是给你两组不完整的句子让你根据原文的信息进行配对。这种题型并不像 TFNG,填空题那么常见,但我们备考的时候也要练习。这种题的主要目的就是看你是否读懂了句子,是否了解原文的大意。给出的选项要远远多于给出的题干,一般是从 8-9 个句子中选 5-6 个进行配对。(所以排除法也是可以运用的)


  很多人会先入为主的觉得(甚至一些雅思阅读老师也这么说)这种题目可以完全不看原文,凭借语法与逻辑来做题,这样会快很多。但事实上你会发现很多句子连起来都是说得通的,因为设计这个题就是考你对原文的理解,而不是考你的语法或逻辑。考官经常会在这种题型里设置陷阱,即前面的题干来自于正确的原文,但后面的结论是错误的,如果你一不小心觉得它俩连起来挺顺那就掉坑里了。另外很多考生总是希望可以在题干和原文中找到一模一样的信号词,这种可能性是非常小的,考官大多数情况下都会设置成同义词的形式。 兰州留学托福听力美国的大学在录取工作中越来越看重托福成绩。

IELTS Writing Task 1: Model Answer

The diagram illustrates the basic principles of hydroelectric power. The process requires the construction of a large dam connected to a powerhouse. The dam creates a large reservoir and the powerhouse is where the electricity is generated.

First of all, water trapped in the reservoir behind the dam is forced through an intake. It then flows into a narrow chamber called a penstock, where the resulting high pressure turns a turbine. The turbine is connected to a generator in the powerhouse above, and this is where the movement of the turbine is converted into electricity. The resulting electricity leaves the powerhouse via cables that carry it over long distances to where it can be used.

It is interesting to note that a hydroelectric dam creates no harmful byproducts and relies entirely on natural forces to produce electricity. After the turbine stage, water flows out through a second channel and into a river. The process is renewable, thanks to the water cycle in nature.

Highlight the Main Points

An IELTS process diagram is different to a line, bar, pie chart or table in that there are not usually key changes or trends to identify. However, you should still give an overview of what is taking place.

The ‘public band descriptors’ state that to achieve a band 6 or more for ‘task response’ the student must provide an overview in a task 1.

As there are no trends to comment on, you can make a comment on, for example, the number of stages in the process and how it begins and ends:


IELTS Writing Task 1: Model AnswerThe diagram shows how carbon moves through various stages to form a complete cycle. This report will give a brief description of the main stages in this cycle.

First, we can see that energy from the sun is transformed into organic carbon through a process in plants known as photosynthesis. This organic carbon is then transferred underground when plants, and the animals that feed on them, die and decay. Some of this carbon is trapped underground in the form of fossils and fossil fuels.



Following this, sand and water are added to the clay, and this mixture is turned into two differing types of brick by either placing it into a mould or using a wire cutter. Next, these bricks are placed in an oven to dry for 24 – 48 hours.

In the subsequent stage, the bricks go through a heating and cooling process. They are heated in a kiln at a moderate and then a high temperature (ranging from 200c to 1300c), followed by a cooling process in a chamber for 2 – 3 days. Finally, the bricks are packed and delivered to their destinations. 兰州留学托福听力


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