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Paraphrase the introduction

Use the same principles that we’ve already discussed. So for example

nitrogen sources (noun form) = where nitrogen originates/comes from (verb form)

concentration levels (noun forms) = where nitrogen is concentrated (passive verb form)

groundwater – difficult to find a synonym. ‘The water table‘ shows you’ve tried!

a coastal city = a town/city near the coast/sea

Using plenty of your own words!

The diagram is usually labelled with a significant number of words that of course you will need to use in your description. There is no point trying to find synonyms for many of these words – you will just have to use them as they are, especially if you are not quite sure what they mean! But just try to make sure that you go well over the 150 word limit by using your own detailed explanations as much as possible. 考试计时由计算机系统控制并显示在显示屏上。临夏留学托福暑期班

1. Grammar for IELTS writing task 1 process diagram.

This type of process needs the present simple passive and active to describe what happens in each step, also we will need sequencers such as Firstly, subsequently, next, following this, after that, then, finally

object + to be + past participle: This is used to describe a process where the person is not important, also the passive is used for the stages of production.

The cows are milked by a milking machine twice a day. The milk is put into refrigeration storage.



  这种题型就是给你两组不完整的句子让你根据原文的信息进行配对。这种题型并不像 TFNG,填空题那么常见,但我们备考的时候也要练习。这种题的主要目的就是看你是否读懂了句子,是否了解原文的大意。给出的选项要远远多于给出的题干,一般是从 8-9 个句子中选 5-6 个进行配对。(所以排除法也是可以运用的)






  先看原文后做题-说的难听点这种做题方法就是“瞎读”(blind read),因为你根本不知道你要去定位什么信息。读完了以后再去读题,然后读完题了还得再去看原文,这完全就是在浪费时间。

  空着-别笑,当我在做考官的时候我真的发现很多人选择题都不选(不是一个两个),这让我真的很惊讶,选择题啊,ABCD 好歹选一个吧?




Using the Passive

There is no way of avoiding using the Passive with both processes and cycles. So you have to practise using the Passive and make sure that you can use it accurately.

Using the Passive also helps you avoid copying words from the Task. For example the Nitrogen Cycle is labelled with lots of nouns e.g. oxidisation which you can turn into passive verbs e.g. it is oxidised

There are many other examples of the Passive taken from my Nitrogen Cycle model:

· nitrogen is taken to the sea

· it is released back into the atmosphere

· the cycle is repeated

· some nitrogen is taken up by the soil



The last stage involves polishing the leather with a roller to improve its appearance. The pieces are subsequently transported by road to a processing factory where they are made into a number

of everyday products like footwear and sports items in preparation for shipping.

Overall, the diagram shows that, despite the fact that the process of treating animal skins is done mostly in factories with the help of machinery, it is still lengthy and complex, involving several stages.



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