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If you don’t write an overview, you are limited to a Band 5 for Task Achievement. But what can you say that you haven’t already said?

Many people DO just repeat what they’ve already said e.g.

‘Overall, the diagram shows that many items can be made from leather.’

This is better than no overview, but it is too obvious, too vague and there is no analysis.

· You need to say something noticeable about the process.

Here are some examples:

Overall, the diagram shows that it is necessary for animal skins to undergo a number of treatments before they can be made into everyday household items. The process is still a complex and lengthy one despite being mostly done by machinery rather than by hand.

Overall, the diagram shows that, despite the fact that the process of treating animal skins so that they can be made into everyday household items is done mostly in factories with the help of machinery, it is still lengthy and complex, involving several stages. 个人物品须存放在考场外指定的储物柜。庆阳留学托福真题

    TOEFL真题突破班课程简介:托福真题突破课程针对托福机考的特点,以学员能准确快速解答托福考题为目标,以教师讲解、学员进行大量TPO真题练习为核心,帮助学员熟练运用强化段中所学习的解题策略和得分技巧,获得托福适用学员:距离考试时间为1-3个月的学员;词汇量丰富,语法体系完整,已经上过托福强化段课程,或已经了解托福各单项题型考点特征、解题策略和得分技巧;需要提高解题的熟练度和准确度;学习目标:充分熟悉机考环境,熟练掌握和应用强化班所学策略和技巧,提高解题正确率和效率,调整好备考的精神状态,做好充分的考试准备课程结束后可达到新托福考试90+的成绩。 酒泉暑期托福口语新托福考试的考试时间和各部分试题数目都是固定的。

How do I describe a cycle?

A cycle is different from a process, because there is no beginning and no end. The cycle repeats itself. So sometimes it’s difficult to know where to start! But because it’s a cycle, it doesn’t really matter where you start as long as you give an overview of the whole cycle (‘Overall…’) and enough detail about the main stages.

Things to remember when you describe a cycle

Using the Present Tense

Because the cycle happens all the time the only tense you usually need is thePresent Simple e.g. the sun rises in the East and sets in the West. Of course you’ll remember to use the 3rd person ‘s’ as in this example.

The TaskThe diagram shows the stages involved in the process of making leather goods.

Summarise the i

Re-writing the introduction

You have to re-write the introduction (on the test paper) in your own words. If you use words that are already given in the Task, the examiner will NOT COUNT them in the overall 150 words, because these words are NOT YOUR OWN words, and they want you to use your own words.

nformation by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words 美国的大学在录取工作中越来越看重托福成绩。

Paragraph 4

Sentence 1- Details of stage 2

Sentence 2- Details of stage 2

Sentence 3- Details of stage 2

Grammar- The Passive

When describing any of the chart questions you shouldn’t use the passive, but when describing a process you may have to.

However, the passive is only used to describe man-made processes. If you are given a natural process you should use the active, rather than the passive.

Therefore, in this answer, I will use the active to describe the life cycle and use the passive to describe the manufacture of silk. 托福考前一定要做模考,因为听说读写各个分项的提高大家只要有合理的规划就不会有问题。定西新航道托福


Processes are not always this clear, and you may have to look more carefully to spot the beginning, and there may also be two things happening at the same time.

So it is important that you look at other sample processes to get a good understanding of how they can vary.

Introduce the Diagram

As with any task 1, you can begin by paraphrasing the rubric:

As you can see, this has been taken from the question, but it has not been copied. You need to write it in your own words.

You need to write it in your own words.



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