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Using a variety of linking words

Try to avoid saying ‘and then’ or ‘after that’ too many times. Use other ways of showing sequences and linking e.g.

· by listing/ordering: ‘Firstly’ ‘Secondly’ ‘Finally’

· by using time expressions: ‘After some time’ ‘When’ ‘As soon as’ ‘Immediately afterwards’

· by saying what else happens: ‘At the same time’ ‘Meanwhile’ ‘Simultaneously’

· by using conditional expressions: ‘If’ ‘Unless’ ‘As long as’

· by using Present Participle **tricky**: ‘Having been oxidised, the nitrogen is then released into the atmosphere’ 考试结束后的两周,考生可登陆托福网站,查看个人考试成绩。兰州哪里有托福培训

In IELTS task 1 academic it is important to group the information logically as this improves overall coherence. In this case the main body paragraph one is about the first four stages and main body two is about the last four stages. I included the stage where the cows graze as that is part of the whole process.

1. Model answer

Lets look again a the task question and the process diagram and have a look at the model answer I have made. Notice the paraphrased introduction with a short overview and the use of the passive with sequencers.

The diagram below shows the production and processing of milk and dairy products for commercial sale.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. 新托福学习资料新托福考试采用真实场景。

Highlight the Main Points

An IELTS process diagram is different to a line, bar, pie chart or table in that there are not usually key changes or trends to identify. However, you should still give an overview of what is taking place.

The ‘public band descriptors’ state that to achieve a band 6 or more for ‘task response’ the student must provide an overview in a task 1.

As there are no trends to comment on, you can make a comment on, for example, the number of stages in the process and how it begins and ends:

Grammatical range and accuracy: The model answer uses a wide range of forms accurately including countable/uncountable nouns, active/passive structures, and transitive/intransitive verbs.

Teacher’s Notes

Cycle diagrams are almost always natural processes: nature is one big wheel after all. Usually you will find that the labels on the diagram contains lots of unfamiliar scientific nouns. If you think you know the verb forms, then use them as this will definitely contribute to a higher score. Otherwise you’ll have to rely on phrases such as “in a process known as Animal Respiration”.


    TOEFL强化班课程简介:托福强化课程立足于ETS官方指南,根据托福考试各项特点,为学员讲授有效解题规律、技巧。听说读写分项授课,将考点、难点各个击破。适用学员:距离考试时间在4-6个月的学员;英文基础较好,词汇量4500左右;已参加过托福基础班学习或托福考试的学员;学习目标:熟悉托福考试的命题思路,明确解题策略并将得分技巧合理应用于考场上;可以进入下一阶段托福真题突破课程(学习内容包括:通过大量真题的练习和讲解,把强化段所学习的解题策略和解题技巧转化为做题的习惯)课程结束后可达到新托福考试80分的成绩。 托福全名为“检定非英语为母语者的英语能力考试”。天水学托福口语


Carbon is also released back into the atmosphere, however, through various means. One is when animals and plants respire, and another is when humans burn fossil fuels in cars and factories. All this carbon enters the atmosphere as CO2. It is then reabsorbed by plants, and the cycle begins again.

Overall, we can see that carbon moves in a natural cycle, although human factors may now be affecting the balance. 兰州哪里有托福培训

Why does this Task 1 answer get an IELTS Band 8 score?Task achievement: The model answer selects and describes most components of the cycle diagram except for waste products and ocean uptake. There is an overall description of the cycle followed by a clearly sequenced and divided description of the stages. The summary identifies something noteworthy about the diagram. The length is sufficient.


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