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    TOEFL真题突破班课程简介:托福真题突破课程针对托福机考的特点,以学员能准确快速解答托福考题为目标,以教师讲解、学员进行大量TPO真题练习为**,帮助学员熟练运用强化段中所学习的解题策略和得分技巧,获得托福适用学员:距离考试时间为1-3个月的学员;词汇量丰富,语法体系完整,已经上过托福强化段课程,或已经了解托福各单项题型考点特征、解题策略和得分技巧;需要提高解题的熟练度和准确度;学习目标:充分熟悉机考环境,熟练掌握和应用强化班所学策略和技巧,提高解题正确率和效率,调整好备考的精神状态,做好充分的考试准备课程结束后可达到新托福考试90+的成绩。 托福是由美国教育测验服务社(ETS)举办的英语能力考试。金昌学托福口语

The milk is delivered by tanker to the dairy.

Cream, cheese and butter are produced from the milk.Present Simple Active.

object+verb: The active is used to describe natural processes. Cows graze in the fields.

Cows eat grass everyday.

The sun shines.

Flowers grow.Sequencers. First of all / to begin with / at this point / then / after that / following this / after which / the next step is .. / subsequently / finally/ the last step is…These are needed in this kind of task to help make your writing more interesting and it flows much better. 临夏留学托福培训托福网考允许考生在考试进行当中做笔记。

Carbon is also released back into the atmosphere, however, through various means. One is when animals and plants respire, and another is when humans burn fossil fuels in cars and factories. All this carbon enters the atmosphere as CO2. It is then reabsorbed by plants, and the cycle begins again.

Overall, we can see that carbon moves in a natural cycle, although human factors may now be affecting the balance.

Why does this Task 1 answer get an IELTS Band 8 score?Task achievement: The model answer selects and describes most components of the cycle diagram except for waste products and ocean uptake. There is an overall description of the cycle followed by a clearly sequenced and divided description of the stages. The summary identifies something noteworthy about the diagram. The length is sufficient.

In the first four stages cows graze in the fields.

After that the cows are put into a milking machine twice a day.

Following this, the milk is put into refrigeration storage , after which it is transferred to a tanker.

Subsequently it is pasteurized, processed and made into cheese

The last step is the milk and dairy products are sent out to supermarkets.Present Perfect Passive.

object + to be + past participle: We can use once and when + present perfect passive to join two processes together.

Once the milk has been transferred to a tanker, it is then delivered to the dairy.

When the milk has been delivered to the dairy, it is subsequently put through a pasteurization process… 考务人员将依次安排考生检录进入考场。

1. Grammar for IELTS writing task 1 process diagram.

This type of process needs the present simple passive and active to describe what happens in each step, also we will need sequencers such as Firstly, subsequently, next, following this, after that, then, finally

object + to be + past participle: This is used to describe a process where the person is not important, also the passive is used for the stages of production.

The cows are milked by a milking machine twice a day. The milk is put into refrigeration storage.





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