  • 兰州爱美信雅思论坛,雅思
  • 兰州爱美信雅思论坛,雅思
  • 兰州爱美信雅思论坛,雅思
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  有些人名在文章中只出现一次,而有的会出现好几次。那些出现好几次的人名会比较难去判断,因为它们可能分布在不同的段落。很多学生会先找这个出现**多的人(因为出现的多,所以**容易被发现嘛),但往往会浪费更多的时间。相反的,你应该去先找那些只出现一次的人。这就好像摘苹果,如果手能够得到就没必要去搭梯子。另外一个错误的做法就是为了找人名而去阅读整篇文章,没必要这样做,你只需要扫读定位人名即可。还有的考生找到了人名,但跟他/她相关的内容没有仔细读,这可能导致你的答案是错的。(因为考官会设置一些相似的题干来迷惑你),而且考官通常不会把原文中用过的词放到题干中去(通常只是放它们的同义词)。 英语国家对雅思成绩的要求较高。兰州爱美信雅思论坛

2. 虽然运动员和演艺人员的收入高的似乎有点离谱,但之所以如此是有原因的。

3. 虽然传统艺术家或许不能创造商业价值,他们可以丰富我们的精神生活,让社会变得文明。


表示条件状语从句可以由if、unless、in case、as long as、so long as 等词引起。

1. 如果博物馆得不到**足够的资助,他们将被迫向参观者收费,这不可避免会失去部分潜在的观众,尤其是穷人和那些本来就少有教育和文化机会的人群。

If museums are not funded sufficiently by the government, they will be forced to charge for entry, and this will inevitably deter many potential visitors, especially the poor and those whose educational and cultural opportunities have already been limited.     小站雅思考试是一项经历过考验,可以被信赖的英语考试。

雅思计分方式:考试成绩记录在成绩单上,包括一个总分,及听力、阅读、写作和口语四个单项分,考生的考试成绩采用1 – 9分的评分制来测评,四个项目**记分, 所得成绩取四项成绩的平均值。总分和四个单项分均允许半分。




It is slightly more difficult to discuss the evidence we might need in order to evaluate the more interesting claims in Dr. Karp’s article, namely his extension of the results of his study to a conclusion that interview‐centered methods are inherently more valid than observational‐centered approaches in the case of study in the group of islands including Tertia. In order to fully evaluate this claim one would require more examples of interview‐based and observation‐based anthropological studies and we would also need to look into different study designs. Perhaps Dr. Field did not conduct an effective observational study, but other observational approaches could be effective. In order to make such grandiose claims, Dr. Karp really needs to provide a lot of additional evidence (ideally a meta‐analysis of hundreds of anthropological studies).雅思的目标是以公平和客观的准则,测试考生英语语言能力,使其不受身体障碍的影响。

Further, in order to fully evaluate this claim the audience needs to learn more about …—…? We don’t know, nor do we know …. The mere fact that … does not mean that …. It would significantly undermine Dr. Karp’s argument if it turned out that …. Without knowing …, one cannot accept the argument above without reservations.(标志性的调查类错误的语言和逻辑模版体系。)

It is slightly more difficult to discuss the evidence we might need in order to evaluate the more interesting claims in …. In order to fully evaluate this claim one would require … and we would also need to look into …. Perhaps …, but …. In order to make such grandiose claims, Dr. Karp really needs  

to provide a lot of additional evidence.(标志性的外推类错误的语言和逻辑模版体系。)

Clearly, then, we need to have additional evidence in order to get a more complete understanding of …. We need to know about …. We also need to know about …. Finally, we need an abundance of information if we want to ….(标志性的 Argument 结尾段的 Conclusion—Suggestion 体系的语言和逻辑模版体系。)



第六: 倒装句

1.)Only +状语放句首


Only by spending time with them, can the parents really know what their children think and feel.

2.)以never、 little 、not only、 not still 等表示否定意义的词开头的句子


Under no circumstance could I agree to with point of view.


Never do those people imagine that what they are doing is ruining their own.

so/as或者neither/nor 引起的句子


P-books will not be replaced by e-books, nor will fast food replace traditional food.


1. 如果将老师的付薪方式根据学生的学习成果而定,则不仅对老师不公平,还会使得教育部门忽视其他重要的因素。

1. 只有**采取适当的措施,这个棘手的问题才能被解决。 兰州爱美信雅思论坛


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