经过二十多年的发展和改进,动力伞成为有**研发和制造,发动机体积小、重量轻、马力大、噪音小、耗油少、携带安装更加容易和方便,伞翼爬升能力更强、飞行速度更快、操控性能更好和更安全的航空飞行器了。动力伞飞行在西方国家发展很快,意大利、法国、西班牙、奥地利等发达国家,不光自己研发动力伞器材,而且都拥有众多的飞行高手和俱乐部,就是在一些经济欠发达的国家,也正在积极地发展这项运动。2007年5月14日,32岁的英国人贝尔·格里尔斯从尼泊尔昆布地区驾动力伞起飞,成功驾驶动力伞飞跃珠穆朗玛峰,成为世界上**驾驶动力伞飞越世界头一个高峰的运动员,并创造了飞行高度29500英尺(约8992米)的动力伞至今世界纪录。动力伞世界**西班牙选手Ramon Morillas(瑞蒙)至今保持着1106公里的动力伞不间断飞行距离世界纪录。 石家庄动力伞在什么地方
动力滑翔伞通常在15到50英里/小时(24到80公里/小时)的飞行速度下,从“在水上拖曳脚踏”到大约18,000英尺(5,500 m)或更高的高度,尽管大多数飞行是在500英尺以下完成的(150 m)AGL。[2]由于动力伞的慢速前进速度和柔和的机翼特性,在大风,湍流或激烈的热活动中它并不安全。
起飞期间,飞行员会支撑重达45至90磅(20至41千克)的动力伞。短暂运行(通常为10英尺(3.0 m))后,机翼将电动机及其吊带飞行员抬离地面。起飞后,飞行员进入座位并像钟摆一样悬挂在充气的滑翔伞机翼下方。可使用制动拨动(用于横滚)和手持节气门(用于俯仰)进行控制。
动力滑翔伞在**中得到了巨大的发展,包括在许多**中部署了特种**士兵以及边境巡逻队。黎巴嫩空降团于2008年采用了这种技术,美国陆军和埃及陆军已经使用了Paramotor Inc FX系列装置多年。 博尔塔拉座袋动力伞安全系数
The most difficult aspect of paramotoring
is controlling the wing (paraglider) on the ground. This control is both during
launch and upon landing. Initial training in becoming a paramotor pilot
involves managing the wing in the air from the ground without the motor. This
process is called kiting and is the most complicated and important step in the
process. Once kiting the wing on the ground is mastered then the motor is added
to the process to practice with the weight of the paramotor included. A typical
paramotor will weigh on average around 50 lbs. (23 kg) with some models as
light at 40 lbs. (18 kg) and some models as high as 75 lbs. (34 kg.) The size
of the paramotor wing and engine are dependent on the weight of the pilot.
For a pilot to get through most
organizations' full pilot syllabus requires between 5 and 15 days which, due to
weather, may include far more calendar time. A number of techniques are
employed for teaching, although most include getting the student familiar with
handling the wing either on the ground, via towing, small hills, or on tandem
With special gear it is possible to take a
passenger (tandem), but most countries, including the U.S., require some form
of certification to do so.
The pilot controls thrust via a hand-held
throttle and steers using the wings brake toggles or stabilo steering, weight
shifting or a combination of the three. It is identical to Paragliding except
it is powered so the use of an elevation or thermals to ascend are not
required. Paramotor wings have evolved specifically for use with power
propulsion, as compared with free flight 'paraglider' wings. Such wings are
typically designed for a higher speed and may incorporate a "reflex"
profile to aid stability in pitch, an idea taken from hang gliders of the
1980s. Paramotor wings typically use trimmers to adjust the Angle of Attack of
the wing to either slow it down or speed it up in flight. Trimmed out allows
the pilot to achieve maximum speed, while trimmed in allows for slower speeds
optimized for launching and landing.
规章制度 在大多数国家/地区中,动力伞驾驶员均遵循简单的规则进行操作,从而免除了飞行员和装备的认证要求。但是,这些法律限制了其飞行的范围-说明飞行员要避开拥挤的区域和较大的机场,以很大程度地降低对他人或飞机的风险。美国飞行员根据联邦航空管理局法规第103部分进行操作。 社团协会 在美国,这项运动主要由美国动力滑翔伞协会(USPPA)**[注1],该协会也享有一项豁免,允许由经过适当认证的双人教练进行两次训练。美国超轻型飞机协会(USUA)和航空运动连接公司(ASC)也提供了一些支持。 美国的讲师主要由美国动力滑翔伞协会(USPPA)**和认证...