这通常更容易,因为飞行员只需要向前跑,但是飞行员直到机翼上方都看不到他的机翼为止,在那里他必须在很短的时间内检查一下机翼,以确保发射前有正确的充气和不纠缠的线。 奉贤区进口滑翔伞源头直供厂家
The next step in the launch is to bring the
wing into the lift zone. There are two techniques for accomplishing this
depending on wind conditions. In light wind this is usually done after turning
to the front, steering with the feet towards the low wing tip, and applying
light brakes in a natural sense to keep the wing horizontal. In stronger wind
conditions it is often found to be easier to remain facing downwind while
moving slowly and steadily backwards into the wind.
Knees bent to load the wing, foot
adjustments to remain central and minimum use of Cs or Brakes to keep the wing
horizontal. Pirouette when the feet are close to lifting. This option has two
distinct advantages. a) The pilot can see the wing centre marker (an aid to
centring the feet) and, if necessary, b) the pilot can move briskly towards the
wing to assist with an emergency deflation.
With either method it is essential to check
"traffic" across the launch face before committing to flight.
Land-based practice: Kiting
About that time, David Barish was
developing the "sail wing" (single-surface wing) for recovery of NASA
space capsules – "slope soaring was a way of testing out ... the Sail
Wing."[5] After tests on Hunter Mountain, New York, in September 1965, he
went on to promote slope soaring as a summer activity for ski resorts.[6][7]
Author Walter Neumark wrote Operating
Procedures for Ascending Parachutes, and in 1973 he and a group of enthusiasts
with a passion for tow-launching PCs and ram-air parachutes broke away from the
British Parachute Association to form the British Association of Parascending Clubs
(which later became the British Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association). In
1997, Neumark was awarded the Gold Medal of the Royal Aero Club of the UK.
Authors Patrick Gilligan (Canada) and Bertrand Dubuis (Switzerland) wrote the
first flight manual, The Paragliding Manual in 1985, coining the word
Forward launch
In low winds, the wing is inflated with a
forward launch, where the pilot runs forward with the wing behind so that the
air pressure generated by the forward movement inflates the wing.
It is often easier, because the pilot only
has to run forward, but the pilot cannot see his wing until it is above him,
where he has to check it in a very short time for correct inflation and
untangled lines before the launch.
Reverse launch
File:Paraglider launch Mam T
Paraglider reverse launch, Mam Tor, England
In higher winds, a reverse launch is used,
with the pilot facing the wing to bring it up into a flying position, then
turning around under the wing and running to complete the launch.
The top of each line is attached to small
fabric loops sewn into the structure of the wing, which are generally arranged
in rows running span-wise (i.e., side to side). The row of lines nearest the
front are known as the A lines, the next row back the B lines, and so on.[14] A
typical wing will have A, B, C and D lines, but recently, there has been a
tendency to reduce the rows of lines to three, or even two (and experimentally
to one), to reduce drag.
Paraglider lines are usually made from
Dyneema/Spectra or Kevlar/Aramid.[14] Although they look rather slender, these
materials are immensely strong. For example, a single 0.66 mm-diameter line
(about the thinnest used) can have a breaking strength of 56 kg.[15]
Paraglider wings typically have an area of
20–35 square metres (220–380 sq ft) with a span of 8–12 metres (26–39 ft) and
weigh 3–7 kilograms (6.6–15.4 lb). Combined weight of wing, harness, reserve,
instruments, helmet, etc. is around 12–22 kilograms (26–49 lb).
SIV是模拟d'Incident en Vol(飞行中的事件模拟)的缩写,是提供有关如何应对不稳定和潜在危险情况(例如倒塌,满是失速和开裂)的课程。这些课程通常由经过特殊培训的讲师在大片水域上讲授,通常通过无线电指导学生。将指导学生如何诱发危险情况,从而学习一旦被诱发就如何避免和补救。向希望获得更高性能和更不稳定机翼的飞行员推荐该课程,这对于大多数飞行员而言都是自然而然的进步。在某些国家,SIV课程是初步飞行员培训的基本要求。万一出现无法挽回的机动导致水着陆的情况,通常会派出一艘救援船来收集飞行员。其他增加的安全功能可能包括浮力辅助装置或辅助备用降落伞。这些课程对于新手级别的飞行不是必不可少的。