Paragliders are unique among human-carrying
aircraft in being easily portable. The complete equipment packs into a rucksack
and can be carried easily on the pilot's back, in a car, or on public
transport.[14] In comparison with other air sports, this substantially
simplifies travel to a suitable takeoff spot, the selection of a landing place
and return travel.
Tandem paragliders, designed to carry the
pilot and one passenger, are larger but otherwise similar. They usually fly
faster with higher trim speeds, are more resistant to collapse, and have a
slightly higher sink rate compared to solo paragliders.
A pilot with harness (light blue),
performing a reverse launch
The pilot is loosely and comfortably
buckled into a harness, which offers support in both the standing and sitting
positions. Most harnesses have foam or airbag protectors underneath the seat
and behind the back to reduce the impact on failed launches or landings. Modern
harnesses are designed to be as comfortable as a lounge chair in the sitting or
reclining position. Many harnesses even have an adjustable "lumbar
support". A reserve parachute is also typically connected to a paragliding
Harnesses also vary according to the need
of the pilot, and thereby come in a range of designs, mostly: Training harness
for beginners, Pax harness for tandem passengers that often also doubles as a
training harness, XC Harness for long distance cross country flights, All round
harness for basic to intermediate pilots, Pod harness, which is for
intermediate to pro pilots that focus on XC. Acro harnesses are special designs
for acrobatic pilots, Kids tandem harnesses are also now available with special
child-proof locks.
SIV是模拟d'Incident en Vol(飞行中的事件模拟)的缩写,是提供有关如何应对不稳定和潜在危险情况(例如倒塌,满是失速和开裂)的课程。这些课程通常由经过特殊培训的讲师在大片水域上讲授,通常通过无线电指导学生。将指导学生如何诱发危险情况,从而学习一旦被诱发就如何避免和补救。向希望获得更高性能和更不稳定机翼的飞行员推荐该课程,这对于大多数飞行员而言都是自然而然的进步。在某些国家,SIV课程是初步飞行员培训的基本要求。万一出现无法挽回的机动导致水着陆的情况,通常会派出一艘救援船来收集飞行员。其他增加的安全功能可能包括浮力辅助装置或辅助备用降落伞。这些课程对于新手级别的飞行不是必不可少的。
线束也根据飞行员的需求而有所不同,因此设计范围很广,主要是:初学者的训练用安全带,双人旅客的Pax防护带(通常还兼用作训练用安全带),长距离越野飞行的XC线束, Pod线束,适用于基本至中级飞行员的全能线束,适用于专注于XC的中级至专业飞行员。杂技安全带是专为杂技飞行员设计的,儿童双人安全带现在也提供特殊的儿童防盗锁。
Forward launch
In low winds, the wing is inflated with a
forward launch, where the pilot runs forward with the wing behind so that the
air pressure generated by the forward movement inflates the wing.
It is often easier, because the pilot only
has to run forward, but the pilot cannot see his wing until it is above him,
where he has to check it in a very short time for correct inflation and
untangled lines before the launch.
Reverse launch
File:Paraglider launch Mam T
Paraglider reverse launch, Mam Tor, England
In higher winds, a reverse launch is used,
with the pilot facing the wing to bring it up into a flying position, then
turning around under the wing and running to complete the launch.
草菇母种、原种、栽培种。如厚垣孢子较多,一般来说,出菇后子实体较小;反之,子实体则较大。2.若银灰色草菇菌丝间掺杂有洁白线状菌丝,随后出现鱼卵状颗粒,久之成黄棕色,则可能混有小菌核杂菌;若瓶内菌丝过分浓密、洁白,也可能是混有杂菌,都应淘汰。3.如果菌瓶内菌丝逐渐消失,出现螨食斑块,说明染有螨虫,应淘汰。4.瓶内菌丝已萎缩,出现水渍状液体,有腥臭味者不能使用。5.草菇栽培种的菌龄以18天左右为宜,超过30天的不使用。近几年, 随着“绿色农业”的兴起和发展,重视农产品的品质,生物肥料的生产和发展也越来越受到人们的重视。云南口碑好生物菌肥技术指导微生物菌肥是根据土壤微生态学原理、植物营养学原理、以及...