中国航协悬挂滑翔委员会在社会赞助和支持下,先后在北京、上海、天津、广州、深圳、武汉、成都、西安、青岛、大连、哈尔滨、沈阳、石家庄、郑州、南昌、南京、杭州、福州、厦门等城市组织了多次动力伞巡回赛、动力伞邀请赛和全国锦标赛并组织了多次动力伞飞行表演,每次的赛事和活动都在社会上产生了巨大影响,从而推动了我国动力伞运动的发展。1997年,中国香港回归之际,成功举办了中国香港至北京动力伞拉力赛,2004年,“海尔杯”动力伞巡回赛,历经三个多月十八个城市,到场观众超过了20万人,**电视台国际频道对赛事进行了全程报道并制作了多集专题片。2005年,在上海成功举办了有七个国家和地区45名运动员参加的国际动力伞邀请赛,特别邀请了国际航联的官员和裁判,得到了国际**们的充分肯定。中国航协也组织参加了多次在国外举行的世界性比赛, 2005年8月,中国动力伞**队3名运动员,参加了在法国举办的世界动力伞锦标赛。2006年,再次得到国际**企业的赞助和支持,成功在五个城市举行了“丰田锐志杯”动力伞巡回赛暨全国锦标赛。由于国内举办各种动力伞赛事和活动的巨大成功,得到了国际航联的高度重视。长沙框架动力伞安全系数
A powered paraglider differs from a powered
parachute (PPC) primarily in size, power, control method, and number of
occupants. Powered paragliders are smaller, use more efficient (but more
difficult to manage) paraglider wings, and steer with brake toggles like sport
parachutists. Powered parachutes typically use easier-to-manage but less
efficient wings, have larger engines, steer with their feet, and may be able to
take along passengers. There are exceptions; a growing number of powered
parachutes use elliptical wings, some use hand controls, and many are light
single seat aircraft that meet FAA Part 103 requirements.
The pilot controls thrust via a hand-held
throttle and steers using the wings brake toggles or stabilo steering, weight
shifting or a combination of the three. It is identical to Paragliding except
it is powered so the use of an elevation or thermals to ascend are not
required. Paramotor wings have evolved specifically for use with power
propulsion, as compared with free flight 'paraglider' wings. Such wings are
typically designed for a higher speed and may incorporate a "reflex"
profile to aid stability in pitch, an idea taken from hang gliders of the
1980s. Paramotor wings typically use trimmers to adjust the Angle of Attack of
the wing to either slow it down or speed it up in flight. Trimmed out allows
the pilot to achieve maximum speed, while trimmed in allows for slower speeds
optimized for launching and landing.
To learn Paramotoring we believe that there
are no shortcuts. Do not believe anyone who tells you that you need no
training, or just a couple of days! They are probably just trying to sell you
some equipment! Any form of aviation can kill if practiced in error. Knowledge
is the key to safe flight! We now have a new syllabus from the BHPA with a
first step "restricted qualification" BHPA CP POWER rating, which can
be achieved in around 8 days or so of training. This new easier to obtain
rating means you don't have to take a full paragliding course Your first big
flights and circuits will be solo on the Paramotor. The restricted
qualification will allow you to fly from your "own" field. If you
wish to fly Cross Country and further afield, then you will need to continue to
the Full BHPA "Pilot" rating which may take another 1 day. At Axis we
are a BHPA registered school, and we are covered by third party Insurance to
teach you. You will also be Insured as the pilot!
Paramotoring is Paragliding with an
auxiliary motor attached to the pilot. The CAA has defined this recently
legitimized form of powered flight as a foot launched self-propelled Hang
glider (SPHG). This does not mean that Paramotors are deregulated, They still
have to comply with all U.K. aviation law, and some specific restrictions of
their own (Click Image to read PDF syllabus here). However these small aircraft
allow you the freedom of the skies, with less red tape and costs than any other
powered aircraft. With the ability to be able to take off from a small flat
field and climb a Paramotor can fly just like any other aircraft. Para motors
can have enough fuel to fly for between 2.5 - 4 hrs, can climb to around 500'
per minute and fly at between 25 to 45 mph. At Axis training we have a lot of
experience with Paramotoring, our first flights were in 1993 on Scobojets, and
we have learned a lot and developed great teaching techniques ever since. We
prefer if possible to have most of our Paramotorists, learn as much on the
paraglider as they can prior to flying a Paramotor. This helps them become much
better, safer and more confident pilots.