  • 产地
  • 上海
  • 品牌
  • 翼舞
  • 型号
  • 185
  • 是否定制

Paramotoring is Paragliding with an

auxiliary motor attached to the pilot. The CAA has defined this recently

legitimized form of powered flight as a foot launched self-propelled Hang

glider (SPHG). This does not mean that Paramotors are deregulated, They still

have to comply with all U.K. aviation law, and some specific restrictions of

their own (Click Image to read PDF syllabus here). However these small aircraft

allow you the freedom of the skies, with less red tape and costs than any other

powered aircraft. With the ability to be able to take off from a small flat

field and climb a Paramotor can fly just like any other aircraft. Para motors

can have enough fuel to fly for between 2.5 - 4 hrs, can climb to around 500'

per minute and fly at between 25 to 45 mph. At Axis training we have a lot of

experience with Paramotoring, our first flights were in 1993 on Scobojets, and

we have learned a lot and developed great teaching techniques ever since. We

prefer if possible to have most of our Paramotorists, learn as much on the

paraglider as they can prior to flying a Paramotor. This helps them become much

better, safer and more confident pilots.


中国航协悬挂滑翔委员会在社会赞助和支持下,先后在北京、上海、天津、广州、深圳、武汉、成都、西安、青岛、大连、哈尔滨、沈阳、石家庄、郑州、南昌、南京、杭州、福州、厦门等城市组织了多次动力伞巡回赛、动力伞邀请赛和全国锦标赛并组织了多次动力伞飞行表演,每次的赛事和活动都在社会上产生了巨大影响,从而推动了我国动力伞运动的发展。1997年,中国香港回归之际,成功举办了中国香港至北京动力伞拉力赛,2004年,“海尔杯”动力伞巡回赛,历经三个多月十八个城市,到场观众超过了20万人,**电视台国际频道对赛事进行了全程报道并制作了多集专题片。2005年,在上海成功举办了有七个国家和地区45名运动员参加的国际动力伞邀请赛,特别邀请了国际航联的官员和裁判,得到了国际**们的充分肯定。中国航协也组织参加了多次在国外举行的世界性比赛, 2005年8月,中国动力伞**队3名运动员,参加了在法国举办的世界动力伞锦标赛。2006年,再次得到国际**企业的赞助和支持,成功在五个城市举行了“丰田锐志杯”动力伞巡回赛暨全国锦标赛。由于国内举办各种动力伞赛事和活动的巨大成功,得到了国际航联的高度重视。张家界体验动力伞多长时间


Paramotor noise relative to an observer

depends on distance, loudness, frequency and timbre of the power unit. Most

noise comes from the propeller and slow rpm is perceived as the quietest.

Pilots mitigate their sound impact by leaving a noise-sensitive area at low

power, keeping the farthest practical distance away, and reducing time spent

near the area.

License and training

Neither a license nor specific training is

required in the U.S., U.K. or many other countries. Where there is no specific

regulation (e.g. Mexico), paramotor flying is tolerated provided the pilots

cooperate with local officials when appropriate.[citation needed] In countries

where specific regulation exists, such as Canada, France, Italy, and South

Africa, pilots must be trained, both in flying theory and practice, by licensed

instructors. Some countries that require formal certification frequently do so

through non-government ultralight aviation organizations.

Regardless of regulations, powered

paragliding can be dangerous when practiced without proper training.



要学习动力竞赛,我们相信没有捷径可走。不要相信任何告诉您不需要培训或只有几天的培训的人!他们可能只是想向您出售一些设备!如果采取任何错误的做法,任何形式的航空都会杀死人。知识是安全飞行的关键!现在,我们有了BHPA的新课程大纲,***步是“受限资格” BHPA CP POWER等级,可以在大约8天左右的培训中实现。这种新的更容易获得的评级意味着您不必参加完整的滑翔伞课程。Paramotor上的***个大型飞行和巡回赛将是独奏。受限制的资格允许您从“自己的”领域飞行。如果您想跨境飞行并飞向更远的地方,则需要继续获得BHPA完全“飞行员”评级,这可能还需要1天。在Axis,我们是BHPA注册的学校,我们受第三方保险的保护,可以教您。您还将获得飞行员保险!



The most difficult aspect of paramotoring

is controlling the wing (paraglider) on the ground. This control is both during

launch and upon landing. Initial training in becoming a paramotor pilot

involves managing the wing in the air from the ground without the motor. This

process is called kiting and is the most complicated and important step in the

process. Once kiting the wing on the ground is mastered then the motor is added

to the process to practice with the weight of the paramotor included. A typical

paramotor will weigh on average around 50 lbs. (23 kg) with some models as

light at 40 lbs. (18 kg) and some models as high as 75 lbs. (34 kg.) The size

of the paramotor wing and engine are dependent on the weight of the pilot.



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